Our Practice

A Team of dedicated, experienced and up-to-date dentists and oral hygienist at your service. 
A Professional Team working within a caring and friendly environment.

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide you, our patients with the knowledge  to make an informed decision regarding your personalized dental treatment options.  We place a high emphasis on preventive dentistry and patient education. Our aim is to prevent decay and gum disease by encouraging our patients to visit us 2-3 times a year. This routine allows us to monitor the standard of oral hygiene care of each individual patient.  Our dental treatment is shown to our patients before and after treatment. Informed and mutually agreed consent is encouraged.

Dentistry is an intimate science and we realize that our patients allow us into their personal space. We appreciate this trust and aim to build close relationships and understanding with our patients. 

Our Philosophy

Excellence - There is no substitute for good quality.